2. Academic CV

Nani gigantum humeris insidentes

(Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants)  Attributed to Bernard de Chartres in John of Salisbury, Metalogicon (1159)

Researcher and Lecturer: Arcada University of Applied Sciences (01.08.2017 - 31.12.2019). 

Postdoctoral Research experience: Aalto University in Finland (14.01.2013 - 31.03.2016) at the Computational Soft and Molecular Matter group led by Dr. Olga López Acevedo (currently  at the Institute of Physics of the University of Antioquia, Colombia).

Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland

Specialization Studies in Big Data Analytics (30 credits, 2016-2017).

University of the Basque Country, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain

PhD in PNAM (Physics of Nanostructures and Advanced Materials, 2009-2013).                                                                                         

Thesis title: Theoretical Description of the Optical Properties of Nanostructures Within Time Dependent Density Functional Theory. Apto Cum laude (with Honours).                                               Supervisors: Prof. Ángel Rubio Secades and Dr. Daniele Varsano.                                        

MSc in Nanoscience (two years european master [120 credits], 2007-2009).                                                                                                    

Thesis title: Ab initio Study of the Optical Activity in Chiral Systems.                               Supervisors: Prof. Ángel Rubio Secades and Dr. Daniele Varsano.                                        

National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia

MSc in Physics (unfinished, 2006-2007).                                                                                                                                                                

Includes a visit  of 6 months in 2007 to The Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute in Queretaro, Mexico.

BSc in Physics (5-years degree, 2000-2005)                                                                                                                                                           

Thesis title: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance characterization of KDP single crystals doped with FeNO3 (In Spanish).                                                                                 Supervisor: Prof. Ovidio Almanza